Cut through what isn’t working And focus on your right path.

Navigate YOur Path with Pyxis Coaching

1 — Goal Setting

Rather than a fixed destination, we see your personal goals as overarching themes that guide where you put your attention and how you use your energy.

2 — MIlestones

Your path is anything but a direct line; the awareness of being “on course” requires identifying and paying attention to key markers along the way.

3 — Values, Beliefs, Habits

When was the last time you really explored how the landscape of your mind — what you value, believe to be true and resultant behaviors — shapes your reality?

4 — REsources

We’re all in this together; even a lone wolf ultimately has the backing of its pack. Who are your trusted sources and whose trusted source are you? Let’s put the power of partnership to work in your life.

Pyxis Nautica is a constellation in the southern hemisphere signifying the mariner’s compass. A compass guides you, but doesn’t tell you where you should be. Our philosophy is to use science as “true north” when working with clients, while recognizing that coaching and making its concepts practical is also an art.

At Pyxis, we are the compass for the path you choose on your unique journey.

You’re closer than you think.